Our Services

North Texas Renewable Energy Engineering provides a wide variety of services, including but not limited to solar energy systems design, assistance, detailed energy consumption and generation reports, and much more.  The sections below are representative of SOME of the services we provide.

If it's related to solar energy in any manner, and you don't see what you need, please contact us!
Our Next Solar Code Training Seminars: Apr 22 & 23, 2025. Click here for more information.
(Identical sessions on separate days to accommodate attendee schedules.)

System Design & Engineering

System design work for existing sites may also include assessment of the existing electrical system for Code compliance based on photos you provide to us.  This is a voluntary service on our part, governed by the quality of photos you provide and other considerations.


Project Participation

Instruction, Seminars, AND Workshops

  • Architects
  • Code Officials (Permitting and AHJ Inspection)
  • Engineers
  • Fire Marshals, Fire Chiefs, Arson Investigators
  • Legislators, County and Municipal Elected Officials
  • Educators (High school and University level preferred)
  • NABCEP - Entry-level to Installer Professional Continuing Education

Our Next Solar Code Training Seminars:
Tuesday, April 22 & Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
Identical sessions on two separate days to accommodate attendee schedules.
Course Title: "2025 Solar Training for Code Enforcement and Fire Officials"
Download a 2025 Solar Code Training Registration Form .
ICC Authorized Course Number: 45609 (Tues, 4/22), 45679 (Wed, 4/23)
(Sessions are identical on two separate days to accommodate attendee schedules.)
CEU: 6.0 ICC Contact Hours
Instructor: Dan Lepinski, P.E., International Code Council Preferred Education Provider # 2882
Who Should Attend:
Chief Building Officials, Permit Reviewers, Code Inspectors, and any current or prospective municipal, county, or state staff involved in the approval, inspection, or other aspects related to photovoltaic systems, solar energy codes, permitting, and zoning.
Fire Professionals such as Fire Marshals, Fire Chiefs, Arson Investigators, and other fire personnel.
Electrical Contractors, Solar Contractors, and Master & Journeyman Electricians.
Anyone involved in the solar energy industry, solar equipment maintenance, as well as Licensed Professional Engineers.
Sessions are also open to electrical contractors, solar contractors, and others involved in the solar energy industry, or who would benefit from solar code training. (Subject to space availability.)
When: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 & Wednesday, April 23, 2025    NOTE! All sessions last year were fully booked. Please register early to ensure your place in class.
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: NCTCOG Centerpoint II (middle building, first floor), 616 Six Flags Drive, Arlington, Texas 76011. (Room to be announced.)
(Map to Seminar.)
Bring: 2023 NEC (NFPA 70), 2024 International Residential Code, 2024 International Fire Code, NFPA 855 (if you have them).
Cost: $145 per attendee. Includes box lunch. Due to limited seating, preregistration is required.
Continuing Education: Qualifies for 6.0 International Code Council CEU contact hours.
Planned topics include but are not limited to:
    •  2023 NEC Code changes from the 2020 edition as applicable to solar energy systems and related equipment.
    •  Inverters, and inverters in parallel operation with generators
    •  "Islanded" (stand-alone) systems
    •  Batteries, battery types, and installation considerations for Code compliance
    •  NFPA 855 and IRC 328 pertaining to battery storage
    •  Electric vehicles as power sources (vehicle-to-grid)
    •  Fire risks posed by photovoltaic systems
    •  Fire Code requirements for batteries
    •  Common Code violations
    •  Ample time will be provided for questions and answers
New Material in the 2025 Seminars:
    •  2024 I-Code changes from the 2021 edition applicable to solar energy systems and related equipment
    •  Expanded discussion on batteries ("ESS") and UL 1973, UL 9540 & UL 9540A in solar electric systems.
    •  NEC Article 220 load calculations where electric vehicle ("EV") chargers are present.
    •  "Smart" panels as a service entry & backed-up loads panel.
    •  Inverters operating in parallel with backup generators.
    •  Inverters in peak-shaving and demand load reduction applications.
    •  Photovoltaic systems set up for zero backfed energy.
Pay: Via city, company or personal credit or debit card, or business or personal check on site. Make checks payable to Dan Lepinski, P.E.
Prepayment is required to secure your registration.
The invoice sent to you as acceptance of your registration will have a link for submitting payment.
Questions/Comments? Contact Us
Download a 2025 Solar Code Training Registration Form.
Seminar dates: Tuesday & Wednesday, April 22 & 23, 2025.
Two identical sessions on consecutive days to accommodate attendee schedules.


Meeting room seating is limited.
If you receive an invoice, there's still space available.
Refunds will not be issued for no-shows.
To pay for this course by credit or debit card:
Click HERE to download a printable PDF of the payment instructions.
You may also follow the instructions below:
  1. Click the "Pay now" button below.
    This will take you to the "Square" site for transaction processing.

  2. On the ""Square" site, select the number of people for whom you will be paying (regardless of class date).

  3. Click the "Checkout" button. This will take you to the "Checkout" page.

  4. At the top of the "Checkout" page, verify the number of attendees.

  5. If incorrect, use your browser's "back" arrow to return to the previous page, enter the correct number, then click the "Checkout" button again.

  6. Scroll down to the "Contact" section and enter your phone number.

  7. IMPORTANT! To receive a receipt: Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. If you leave this box blank, no receipt will be sent.

  8. For "First Name" and "Last Name", type your city and "Texas" respectively.

  9. In the space for "Address" type the address for your department, or City Hall (as applicable).

  10. Enter your debit or credit card number, card expiration date (MM/YY), and security number (CVV) in the boxes provided.

  11. Scroll down to the red "Pay" button. Click it, and follow the on-screen instructions.

  12. Do not select "Remember me."

  13. If you wish to cancel the transation, simply close the window before you click "Pay". You may return and start over at any time.


     $145.00 per attendee
         (Includes lunch)

Pay Now
All transactions are handled securely by Square®.
Master Card, VISA, Discover, and American Express Debit & Credit Cards accepted.
You do not need to have a Square® account to make payments!